My name is Zarina Tankersley, fashion designer, Peruvian-Argentine, living in Texas-USA for more than 30 years. Since my childhood I started playing with the imagination, designing, making my own clothes, sewing, knitting, creating my own jewelry.
I studied Tourism Administration, and received my academic degree, and worked at the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism in Peru, as an administrative management assistant for several years, until I decided to enroll in a Higher School dedicated to Design in the Italian-French Fashion, established in Córdoba-Argentina, South America.
I studied professionally the art of fashion design for four years, cutting clothing patterns, build garments, create sketches, and everything related to fashion to understand the concept of the Haute Couture.
Knowing the history of fashion over time from its beginnings, all that knowledge that we acquire about the different styles, fabrics, colors, helps us the Clothing Designers to create a style specific to our personality that will be reflected in our designs.
Hello!!! My Blogger friends. I give you the most cordial welcome to my Blog. Today I will explain why my blog is called "Show your style"; the reason that each of us has a different lifestyle.
We're a bouquet of virtues, behaviors, and attitudes that we develop throughout our lives. Your habits, customs, culture, physical appearance, tall, short, thin, with curves, the color of your skin, the color of your eyes; and all these ingredients make up your personality, "Show your Style"
Si los clientes no pueden encontrarlo, no existe. Haz una lista y describe claramente los servicios que ofreces. Además, asegúrate de destacar un servicio especial.
¿Vas a tener una venta, la visita de algún famoso o un evento especial? Anúncialo para que todos lo sepan y se cree expectación al respecto.
¿Tus clientes están hablando bien de ti en los medios sociales? Comparte sus historias para convertir a los clientes potenciales en clientes leales.
¿Vas a tener una venta especial por las festividades o una oferta semanal? Promuévela aquí para que tus clientes puedan verla y aprovechen la oportunidad.
¿Abriste un nuevo local, cambiaste la decoración de la tienda o añadiste un nuevo producto o servicio? Cuéntaselo a la gente.
Los clientes tienen preguntas, tú tienes respuestas. Muestra las preguntas más frecuentes, para el beneficio de todos.